Think Tank

The Joy of Six – a roundup of the news you need to know… about news – E7

We know you’re busy. You’ve got your head down trying to work on new offerings to seduce new readerships to your media and convince existing customers that you represent value worth paying for. So you haven’t always got time to look around at what’s happening in your own industry. Which is why we do it for you.  Here’s the latest.

1. Innovative ways to make money

From the Globe and Mail’s AI powered paywall to Quartz’ newsletters and the Stock Market game of Dagens Næringsliv looks at innovative revenue sources

2. Fact Checking costs money

So what if you could scale those resources by joining a network of experts pooling fact checking capabilities? Poynter explains its mentorship program and in the process provides a glimpse of how we may all be approaching fact checking in a media landscape increasingly polluted by misinformation.

3. All the news that’s fit to study

Fake news fears are on the rise, Americans are less interested in political news, and the difference between journalism on Facebook/Twitter and TikTok/Snapchat are just a few of the issues considered in the Reuters Institute Digital News Report

4. Expensive, boring, and wrong

You might want to read this through your fingers, but Nieman Lab has compiled an eye-opening roundup of all the reasons readers have cancelled their news subscriptions. From AdAge to the Wyoming Tribune Eagle here’s how it goes wrong.

5. The newspaper publishing market is booming worldwide

Really? Well that’s what this global newspaper report concludes after looking at the major players.

6. Branded content that works

It’s been seen as everything from supping with the devil to a smart way to split the bill but the fact is that some news organisations have found the way to make branded content pay for them. Here are some suggestions for ways to make it work for your newsroom.

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