We know you’re busy. You’ve got your head down trying to work on new offerings to seduce new readerships to your media and convince existing customers that you represent value worth paying for. So you haven’t always got time to look around at what’s happening in your own industry. Which is why we do it for you. Here’s the latest.
1. What A/B Testing can and can’t do for headline writing
The big players all do it, the thinking goes that it’s the best way of optimising the critical point of the news funnel, but what can A/B headline testing really bring to the publishing party? Nieman Lab looks at what it can, and can’t do for you .
2. Not all Doom and Gloom?
News about news is rarely good but it seems there are some glimmers of good news for those that dare to innovate. Poynter explains why the local news digital startup scene is sparkling.
3. Could Digital Subscriptions refloat newspapers?
Yahoo Finance argues that digital subscriptions are easing the New York Times out of the doldrums and towards smoother sailing. Entrepreneur agrees that digital subscription revenues are a key driver of growth.
4. But are Light Readers the future?
A recent INMA report suggests that the essential battle for digital subscriptions was fought, and won or lost, in 2020. The next front line, it argues, is the conquest of the light reader. Which brings up the tricky questions of stickiness, engagement, and porous paywalls.
5. Subscriptions are not the only solution
Subscriptions are not, it turns out, the only fruit. The Press Gazette looks at the most successful news membership programs and what they represent to their respective news organisations.
6. Finding your MoJo
A little reminder that increasingly journalism means Mobile Journalism (MoJo). A look at how mobile tech is a game changer for journalists, now and tomorrow.