Think Tank

Taking Tips From Tech: Innovation, Risk and Experimentation for the Future of Media

The discussion could not come at a better time: with attention focused on the relationship between technology and news media as never before, experts at the intersection of news and the digital world will sit down to explore how the innovation mindset of Silicon Valley can benefit media companies as well.

New World Encounters will bring together Edward Roussel, the Chief Innovation Officer at Dow Jones, parent company of the Wall Street Journal (New York), Frederic Filloux, Creator of & Editor at Monday Note (Paris), and others, to share their experiences in building successful digital strategies and to discuss how media organizations can profit from new approaches.

With developments in Australia highlighting the often contentious relationship between news media and the giant information platforms, New World Encounters, a joint initiative of  Upgrade Media and QuestiQ to connect people, companies and organizations across borders and industries,  will look at the other side of the coin: how news media can benefit from digital transformation by talking lessons from tech.

The event, moderated by Ioana Sträter, Co-founder of NWE and George Brock, professor of journalism at City University in London, will take place online on Wednesday, April 20, from 3 to 4:30 pm Central European Time. Information about the evolving program and how to join the discussion can be found here.

The premise of the encounter is that long-term sustainability can only be achieved if media organizations transform and become adaptive, responding to change by embracing it and extracting the benefits. 

“There is no question that companies like Google and Facebook have disrupted the media industry by taking much of the advertising revenue that used to go to media companies,” said David Sallinen, founder of UpGrade Media. “But they also provide opportunities, not only through their ability to disseminate news, but through their culture and strategies.”

Ioana Straeter, managing partner of QuestiQ, said: “Edward Roussel and Frederic Filloux have been at the forefront of developing the strategic models that succeed in the new media world, and their insights will help media companies experiment, innovate and manage the inherent risks.”

The discussion will focus on: how media organizations can establish an “innovation mindset” and change the culture to become more adaptive to change; the takeaways from Silicon Valley tech companies that can be applied to news media; how to deal with the risks that accompany change; and practical advice on conceiving and implementing new strategies.

New World Encounters is a joint community organized by Upgrade Media and QuestiQ to connect people, companies and organizations across borders and industries around specific, current themes, with physical, virtual and hybrid encounters. NWE aims to break through fixed patterns, creating room for new solutions in the new digital media world we are all creating. To learn more about New World Encounters, contact David Sallinen, david(dot)sallinen(at)

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