Think Tank

Stuttgart, we’re coming! Episode 2 with Björn Friebe, Stuttgarter Zeitung

Björn Friebe presents his favourite places in Stuttgart fights preconceived ideas about German people.

Björn Friebe

Björn Friebe will speak on the October 02, 2020.

1 – Which is your favourite place in Stuttgart?

My favourite place in Stuttgart is not a specific place, it’s more the many viewpoints around the center of the city like “Karlshöhe, Santiago-de-Chile-Platz, Teehaus or Bismarckturm”. That’s because the center of Stuttgart is located in a valley and is surrounded by hills from which you have a great view over the whole city and the region. In Stuttgart we call the places “Kesselrand”.
I love to go there to enjoy the view, sometimes alone with music and from time to time with friends, some beer and a pizza.

2 – Which is your most original building in Stuttgart?

Because Stuttgart is the “car city”, I have no other choice than to name the “Porsche Museum”. It has a very unique look and it’s a must see building if you are interested in the history of cars and Porsche in general.

Porsche Museum Nacht

Photo by 8mobili

3 – What is the meal or pastry not to be missed in Stuttgart?

It is difficult to decide because the Swabians are known for their good food in all over Germany. My favorite dish is “Käsespätzle” but you can’t go wrong with “Maultaschen”, “Zwiebelrostbraten” or “Krautschupfnudeln”.


4 – What is the restaurant we should not miss in Stuttgart?

“Das Lehen” in the south of Stuttgart for typical swabian food and “Il Pomodoro” as well in the south of Stuttgart for the best authentic Italian pizza or pasta in town. But maybe it’s just because my flat is in that area, too. 😉

Il Pomodoro S-Süd:

Das Lehen:

5 – What are the 3 stereotypes about Germans that annoy you the most?

I have just two stereotypes I really don’t like: That Germans don’t have a sense of humor and that all Germans were “Lederhosen” and “Dirndl”.

  • Germans would be socially distant

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