As NWE starts its new round of webinars featuring leading lights of the news profession we once again look at the comments and observations around the globe about just where our industry is going. Here you have our half-dozen thought pieces of the week for your contemplation.

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1. Scale Was the God That Failed [02 april 2021]
The Atlantic talks about why news economics in the digital age started out with a dangerous misconception.

2. Print to be banned in Queensland under new edict [01 april 2021]
We knew this was coming. Print is being banned altogether – although before panicking please do check the dateline for this piece. Read the article.

3. What’s A Newspaper Without A Newsroom? Many, Like The Wichita Eagle, Are Finding Out [12 march 2021]
A newspaper without a newsroom? There may be cost savings and new ways of working, but what about the human cost? Read the article.

4. Artificial intelligence and journalism: a race with machines [01 april 2021]
As journalists should we rage against the machine? Or embrace AI as our future? Read the article.

5. Where will traditional media go to recover? [06 april 2021]
Post-covid, and even with a deal with Facebook and Google, will media recover lost ground? AdNews Australia looks at what happens next to traditional media spend. Read the article.

6. The journalism crisis across the world [06 april 2021]
Worldwide cutbacks mean that news media are not simply going to go back to normal after Covid. The long list of cuts is depressing, but can it also be a pivotal moment to try new approaches? Read the article.