This week’s Joy of Six; the six points from news around the world that caught our interest as we muse on the evolution of news in the digital era. Follow the links, down the rabbit hole, to find out more.
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1. World Press Trends – in numbers [16 april 2021]
As this year’s World Press Trends results are released the key take out figures are that 43% of respondents from our WPT Publishers Outlook survey said their revenues declined by more than 20% “in the last 12 months” and that 44% of respondents said accelerating their digital transformation strategy was the most important change they needed to make moving forward.
Read our program: How Silicon Valley Is Transforming News Business
2. Rise of the Robots [16 april 2021]
Ok, it’s not quite Skynet (yet) but as journalism jobs are slashed and those left standing are asked to do ever more with dwindling resources the robots are definitely coming. Of course whether they’re coming to the rescue or to replace does remain to be seen.
3. Reuters puts up paywall [15 April 2021]
Reuters is the latest media outlet to opt for paywall protected content explains this piece from the MediaPost (sign in required – but free).
4. “Where there is disruption, there is opportunity”: What does the future hold for nonprofit newsrooms? The Columbia Journalism Review looks at nonprofit local news [18 march 2021]
5. Are we missing the point by thinking of ourselves as media? Should journalism be reclassified as infrastructure – The Hill asks itself. [18 april 2021]
6. NAM Creates Nationwide Public Notice Website [12 april 2021]
As newspapers battle to keep the role of paid for public notices the Newspaper Association Managers (NAM) has created a site,, that means their members are offering both a print and a centralised web publication service.